Monday, July 28, 2008

Soffit vents, eaves, and the porch

Have I mentioned the extreme heat this summer? It is 7:45 pm right now as I write and it's still 97! I just sat outside for a half hour reading and almost fell asleep; the heat was wrapped around me like a blanket, accompanied by a soft breeze. Goodness knows how the Kiwis work through the day. Speaking of heat, today vents were cut into the soffits--very important for cooling the attic in the summer! My roof is a hip roof, without gables, which is where many roofs are vented. These new vents should help my energy efficiency:

Also, the old gappy front porch floor started to disappear, and the windows were framed in:

Finally, the overhang over the old back door was removed, and the rotten fascia also removed, to be replaced:

That's it! Come back tomorrow for more.

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